Communicating Discord. The Media of Polemic in the Late Middle Ages and Early Reformation (2nd September School in Medieval Studies)

Communicating Discord: The Media of Polemic in the Late Middle Ages and Early Reformation. 2nd September School in Medieval Studies When? 16-20 September 2024Where? Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague; Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), LeipzigOrganisers: Prof. Dr. Christian Jaser (University of…

WeiterlesenCommunicating Discord. The Media of Polemic in the Late Middle Ages and Early Reformation (2nd September School in Medieval Studies)

Call for Papers: The Age of Transition. Crisis, Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Central and Eastern Europe

Call for Papers: The Age of Transition. Crisis, Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Central and Eastern Europe Deadline: 31 May 2024Submission e-Mail: actamediaevalia@kul.plJohn Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Centre for Medieval StudiesIn all spheres of human activity, from ideas and beliefs to social life,…

WeiterlesenCall for Papers: The Age of Transition. Crisis, Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Central and Eastern Europe