Communicating Discord. The Media of Polemic in the Late Middle Ages and Early Reformation (2nd September School in Medieval Studies)

Communicating Discord: The Media of Polemic in the Late Middle Ages and Early Reformation. 2nd September School in Medieval Studies When? 16-20 September 2024Where? Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague; Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), LeipzigOrganisers: Prof. Dr. Christian Jaser (University of…

WeiterlesenCommunicating Discord. The Media of Polemic in the Late Middle Ages and Early Reformation (2nd September School in Medieval Studies)

Call for Papers: The Age of Transition. Crisis, Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Central and Eastern Europe

Call for Papers: The Age of Transition. Crisis, Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Central and Eastern Europe Deadline: 31 May 2024Submission e-Mail: actamediaevalia@kul.plJohn Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Centre for Medieval StudiesIn all spheres of human activity, from ideas and beliefs to social life,…

WeiterlesenCall for Papers: The Age of Transition. Crisis, Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Central and Eastern Europe
Mehr über den Artikel erfahren Emergency Fellowships for Graduate Students from Ukraine
© UPENN / Eric Sucar

Emergency Fellowships for Graduate Students from Ukraine

Emergency Fellowships for Graduate Students from Ukraine The University of Pennsylvania invites current graduate students from Ukrainian institutions of higher education to apply for a one-year Visiting Graduate Student Fellowship. Fellowships will provide tuition-free access to University of Pennsylvania courses and programs (granting non-degree course credit,…

WeiterlesenEmergency Fellowships for Graduate Students from Ukraine