Publication: Networking in Late Medieval Central Europe. Friends, Families, Foes
Edited by Beata Możejko, Anna Orlowska and Leslie Carr-Riegel
Routledge 2023
Exploring the formation of networks across late medieval Central Europe, this book examines the complex interaction of merchants, students, artists, and diplomats in a web of connections that linked the region. These individuals were friends in business ventures, occasionally families, and not infrequently foes. No single activity linked them, but rather their interconnectivity through matrices based in diverse modalities was key. Partnerships were not always friendship networks, art was sometimes passed between enemies, and families created for financial gain. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the chapters focus on inclusion and exclusion within intercultural networks, both interpersonal and artistic, using a wide spectrum of source materials and methodological approaches.
The concept of friends is considered broadly, not only as connections of mutual affection but also simply through business relationships. Families are considered in terms of how they helped or hindered local integration for foreigners and the matrimonial strategies they pursued. Networks were also deeply impacted by rivalry and hostility.
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About the Editors:
Beata Możejko is Professor of History at University of Gdansk specializing in medieval history and the auxiliary sciences of history. Anna Paulina Orlowska works at the Institute for Comparative Urban History in Münster, Germany, where she develops the Historical Town Atlasses based on the said ontology. Leslie Carr-Riegel received her doctorate in Medieval Studies from the Central European University in 2021. She has worked as a fellow with the Medici Archive Project, the Princeton Global History Project, and the Käte Hamburger Kolleg at the University of Münster.