Du betrachtest gerade 7th MECERN Book Corner

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7th MECERN Book Corner

When: June 7, Tuesday, at 6 p.m. (CET)


  • Marie-Madeleine de Cevins (Université de Rennes) presents:
    • Attila Zsoldos: Árpáds and Their People, Budapest: Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, 2020.
  • Martin Pjecha (Central European University) presents:
    • A Companion to the Hussites, ed. by Michael Van Dussen and Pavel Soukup, Leiden: Brill, 2020.
  • Judit Majorossy (Max-Weber-Kolleg, Universität Erfurt) presents:
    • Kriszta Arany: Florentine Families in Hungary in the First Half of the Fifteenth Century, Kiel: Solivagus-Verlag, 2020.
  • Attila Bárány (University of Debrecen) presents:
    • János M. Bak and Géza Pálffy: Crown and Coronation in Hungary 1000–1916 A.D., Budapest: Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian National Museum, 2020.

We would be pleased to welcome you that evening!

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