Du betrachtest gerade New MECERN Book Corner on February 6th 2024

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New MECERN Book Corner on February 6th

When? February 6th, Tuesday, at 6 p.m. (CET)

Zoom Link: https://ceu-edu.zoom.us/j/97248646090?pwd=SUlMdHhUdjQ4dkFDWHdMNGxvaDNOdz09


Éloïse Adde (Central European University) presents:

  • Eduard Mühle: Slavs in the Middle Ages Between Idea and Reality, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2023.

Bernát Rácz (Central European University) presents:

  • Mária Vargha: Modelling Christianisation. A Geospatial Analysis of the Archaeological Data on the Rural Church Network of Hungary in the 11th-12th Centuries, Oxford: Archaeopress – Archaeolingua, 2022.

Suzana Simon (Croatian Academy of Sciences) and Teodora Artimon (Trivent Publishing House) present: 

  • Jonathan Harris: Theosis, Budapest: Trivent Publishing, 2023.

We would be pleased to welcome you that evening!