Du betrachtest gerade Call for Applications: Research Fellowship | Mapping Eastern Europe

Call for Applications: Mapping Eastern Europe | North of Byzantium

Deadline: January 10, 2024

E-Mail: northofbyzantium@gmail.com

We invite applications for a three-month remote fellowship for Mapping Eastern Europe, which focuses on the history, art, and culture of Eastern Europe between the 13th and 17th centuries. The fellow will assist with research and writing about the medieval and early modern visual culture of the northern Danube regions OR the Ottoman presence in Eastern Europe

The successful candidate will research and write 3 case studies on key monuments and objects, and 2 historical and/or thematic overviews that will then be published on the Mapping Eastern Europe website (either in longform or video format).

To apply, please send in a single .pdf

  • a letter of interest with details about your research and its significance, your skills, and proposed contributions (no more than 2 pages);
  • a CV;
  • and the names of two referees who may be contacted to provide support letters,

if needed, to northofbyzantium@gmail.com by January 10, 2024. Please include in the email subject line “Application: 2024 Mapping Research Fellowship”.

Here you find the Call for Applications as PDF.